Went again (last time in May 2005) to Bishorn (4153m). This time the weather was just perfect on the ascent day to the summit so finally I got my revench!
Went this time with David and it took us about 5 hours to reach the Cabane Tracuit (3256m). 1600 altitude meters
There we stayed and enjoyed cabin life until we were waken up at 5 in the morning for a quick breakfast.
We started the ascent attempt around 6.45 pm (after sorting out the gear).
The weather was wonderful and the views spectacular!
From the cabane to the summit and back took us about 6 hours including a long pause at the actual summit (900 altitude meters).
After resting and eating lunch we descended to Zinal which took us about 3.5 hours. In total we did 2500 altitude meters that day.